Optimizely CMS Proper Configurations for Welcome DAM, Idio and ODP Visitor Groups Package

In this blog post we are going to explain how we were able to make the Welcome DAM integration, Idio and ODP visitor groups packages work as expected due to poor documentation or another issue. So without further due, lets being.
Welcome DAM
The package EPiServer.CMS.WelcomeIntegration.UI will allow you to integrate the DAM for Welcome into the CMS, but unfortunately the official documentation specifies that the configuration should be inside the EPiServer\Cms section of the application.json file.

"DAMUi": {
"Enabled": true,
"Settings": {
"Welcome": {
"IconClass": "dijitNoIcon",
"AvailableTypes": "episerver.core.imagedata",
"StoreName": "episervercmsdamcontentcreation",
"Endpoint": "https://app.welcomesoftware.com",
"PathAndQuery": "/cloud/library-picker?assetTypes=image"
Idio Content Recommendations
The package EPiServer.Personalization.Content.UI will allow you to integrate Idio content recommendations into the CMS, but unfortunately the official documentation specifies that the configuration should be inside the root section of the application.json file, pay special attention to the letters’ case which for CMS 12 is important because Linux is used instead of Windows.

We realize, that the Episerver case is wrong, and in order to work you must set it up also at the root level of the application.json file but use episerver all lower case in order to work.
"episerver": {
"ContentPersonalization": {
"Environment": "YOUR_ENVIRONMENT",
"ClientId": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"ClientName": "YOUR_CLIENT_NAME",
"ApiToken": "YOUR_TOKEN",
"DisableDefaultTracking": true
ODP Visitor Groups
The package UNRVLD.ODP.VisitorGroups will allow you to integrate ODP data as visitor groups criteria that later can be used to customize the experience for clients in the CMS, but unfortunately the official documentation specifies that the configuration should be inside the EPiServer section of the application.json file, pay again special attention to the letters’ case which for CMS 12 is important because Linux is used instead of Windows

We realize, that the EPiServer case is wrong, and in order to work you must set it up also at the root level of the application.json file but use EpiServer in order to work (small p).
"EpiServer": {
"OdpVisitorGroupOptions": {
"OdpCookieName": "vuid",
"CacheTimeoutSeconds": 10,
"BaseEndPoint": "https://api.zaius.com",
"PrivateApiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"
And that is it. You can now use these packages without issues in your CMS solution. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know in the comments. I hope this can help someone and as always keep learning !!